My life put on hold by Menopause, my story….. so nobody else feels alone

Breaking the Silence on Menopause - My Personal Journey

After a full hysterectomy at 40, I anticipated a journey toward improved health. Little did I know, the uncharted territory of menopause would bring its own set of challenges. Lost and shattered, I sought solace through a handful of supportive individuals who understood my struggle.

Out of this experience, I birthed with the help of some friends "You, Me, and the Menopause" based in the Cotswolds – a FREE support group meeting every other month. Why? Because I believe in the power of shared experiences, and if my journey can ease someone else's path, that's a victory.

My mission extends beyond personal support. I'm here to help businesses navigate this often overlooked aspect. It's not just about
implementing policies; it's about fostering open dialogue. My firsthand experience and knowledge are at your service.

Let's make a difference together. If you're curious or want to learn more, reach out. TOGETHER, we can create workplaces that not only implement policies but openly talk about menopause.

Let’s Talk…..

“It's time to shine a light on this crucial aspect of women's health. Menopause isn't just a topic for later years—it's a journey that begins with conversations and awareness at all ages.

Let's bridge the knowledge gap and empower younger women with the information they need. Understanding menopause early on can lead to better support, improved mental health, and a more positive transition when the time comes.

Join me in raising awareness! Share your thoughts, experiences, and let's foster a community where women of all ages can openly discuss and learn about the transformative journey of menopause.”

You, Me and the Menopause

Let’s stay connected

Reach out or just to say hello!