Perry Bishop menopause policy…

This week Cllr Claire Bloomer, Cabinet Member for Cost of Living and Inclusion, helped to set up a menopause policy at Perry Bishop in Tetbury.

Perry Bishop will be rolling out this policy to every branch over the next four weeks, which Cllr Bloomer will be delivering.

Cllr Bloomer said, "It was my pleasure to be part of implementing a menopausal policy for Perry Bishop at their Tetbury branch this week. Thank you to the whole team. Perry Bishop are leading the way in supporting their staff."

At the end of last year Cotswold District Council passed the motion to develop our own menopause policy to ensure all staff going through the menopause are getting the support they need at work.

Cllr Bloomer proposed the motion and has also set up a support group on Facebook called ‘You Me and The Menopause’

Claire Wardell Bloomer

Claire is passionate about menopause and has made it her lifes ambition to create more awareness and encourage businesses to work with her to set up policys

Menopause breaks for women working at Cirencester Town Council


First Menopause Fayre 2023